
Welcome to my Domain
Bob Garland aka BLZ Bob, Digital Artist and Cartoonist
Welcome to my world of Cartoons and Comic Art.
My Digital Collages are created from a huge, ever growing pallet of vintage comic covers, newspaper headlines, hieroglyphs, spells, geometrical religious symbolism, peeling paint, rust and a little bit of my magic.
Each collage has numerous versions, normally eight plus. Each one tweaked, adjusting; colours, intensity, shadows, eyes, lighting, backgrounds etc. making each one unique.
I've divided my Digital Collages in to six galleries to help navigate through my ever growing portfolio
Fairy folk and forest creatures
Elves, nymphs and witches are some of the fairy-tale creatures you will find in this gallery.
Famous people and portraits
Beautiful women from around the world. Celebrities, Native Americans, Politicians and more.
Mythological Creatures & Heroes
Dragons and Demons.
Mythological creatures from ancient times.
Cyclops, Centaurs and Trojan heroes
Steampunk animals
Steampunk creatures from the land, sea and air. Visit the underwater world of Steampunk deep sea creatures.
Sci-fi characters
Sci-fi and comic superhero characters as never seen before.
Abstract and alternative art
Abstract and alternative art
The hard to categorize gallery.
The bizarre and abstract world of art.
Latest works
This week's collage is titled "Cathy" (9 versions)
Take a look at my Willie or should I say Peanus.
New and published cartoons by BLZ Bob
Over 100 designs are printed on over 70 merchandising items